#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : What are the differences betweenElectrical and electronic engineering?

Wednesday 18 August 2021

What are the differences betweenElectrical and electronic engineering?

 Difference between Electrical and electronic engineering?

Electrical and electronic engineering are not just two names for the same thing!

We will explain the differences.

Electrical and electronic engineering may sound similar, but they're very different. Both involve moving electricity around a circuit to power useful products and machines, but that's where the similarity ends!

How do electrical and electronics circuits work?

The main difference between electrical and electronic circuits is that electrical circuits have no decision making (processing) capability, whilst electronic circuits have decision making capability.

An electric circuit simply powers machines with electricity. However, an electronic circuit can interpret a sign or an instruction, and perform a task to suit the circumstance.

For example, a microwave often bleeps when it's finished cooking, to tell the user that his or her meal is prepared .

Most modern appliances use a combination of electronic and electrical circuitry. A washing machine has an electrical circuit comprising a plug socket, fuse, on/off switch, heater and motor, which rotates the drum. The desired wash cycle and temperature are inputted by the user via the instrument panel . These instructions are interpreted by electronic circuits, which are designed and programmed to know what the user would really like supported what buttons are pressed. When the electronic circuit has interpreted these commands, it sends signals to the circuit to work the heater and motor, to heat and rotate the drum, for the time required.

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