#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : flight controls in a helicopter

Monday 16 August 2021

flight controls in a helicopter

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In helicopters there are four controls:-

1 Collective control

2 cyclic control

3 anti torque pedals

4 throttle

1 Collective control is located at left side if pilot seat, used for up and down movement of helicopters.

2 cyclic control is located between pilot legs. And is used to move helicopters in horizontal plane, I.e forward back, left and right

3 anti torque pedals they keep helicopters stationary, or at desired heading, cancel main rotor turning helicopters body

4 throttle control is located on collective control lever it controls engine rpm.

1 Collective control

2 cyclic control

3 anti torque pedals

4 throttle

1 Collective control is located at left side if pilot seat, used for up and down movement of helicopters.

2 cyclic control is located between pilot legs. And is used to move helicopters in horizontal plane, I.e forward back, left and right

3 anti torque pedals they keep helicopters stationary, or at desired heading, cancel main rotor turning helicopters body

4 throttle control is located on collective control lever it controls engine rpm.

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