#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : Module 13 chapter 1 quiz 9

Module 13 chapter 1 quiz 9

}, { "question": "which helicopter have two main rotors system rotating in opposite direction", "choices": ["Tandem", "Fanestron", "Notar"], "correct": "Tandem" }, { "question": " The antitorque pedals allow the pilot to control the pitch angle of the tail rotor blades which in forward flight puts the helicopter in.........", "choices": ["lateral trim ", "longitudinal trim ", "directional trim"], "correct": "longitudinal trim " }, { "question": "The antitorque pedals allow the pilot to control the pitch angle of the tail rotor blades at a hover, enables the pilot to.... ", "choices": ["longitudinal trim ", "turn the helicopter 360 degree", "lateral trim "], "correct": "turn the helicopter 360 degree" }, { "question": "if the cyclic is moved forward, the angle of attack ..... as the rotor blade passes the right side of the helicopter ", "choices": ["increases ", "feels no change", "decreases "], "correct": "decreases " }, { "question": "if the cyclic is moved forward, the angle of attack increases as the rotor blade passes on the .....", "choices": ["upper side", "left side", "right side"], "correct": "left side" }, { "question": " The ..... changes the angle of the swash plate which changes the plane of rotation of the rotor blades", "choices": ["collective", "cyclic", "stationary swash plate"], "correct": "cyclic" }, { "question": " The ..... can pivot in all directions", "choices": ["collective ", "cyclic", "corelator"], "correct": "cyclic" }, { "question": "The throttles on some turbine helicopters are mounted ", "choices": ["on cyclic lever", "on collective lever", "on the overhead panel or on the floor in the cockpit"], "correct": "on the overhead panel or on the floor in the cockpit" }, { "question": "which helps to prevent inadvertent collective pitch movement. ", "choices": ["integrated stationary swash", "constant speed drive", "adjustable friction control"], "correct": "adjustable friction control" }, { "question": " A twist grip throttle is usually mounted on the end of the ..... lever", "choices": ["cyclic", "collective", "yaw control"], "correct": "collective" }, { "question": "A ..... is a sensing device that senses rotor and engine rpm and makes the necessary adjustments in order to keep rotor rpm constant", "choices": ["correlator", "governor", "swash plate"], "correct": "governor" }, { "question": "A ..... is a mechanical connection between the collective lever and the engine throttle", "choices": ["correlator", "governor", "wobble plate"], "correct": "correlator" }]; // define elements var content = $("content"), questionContainer = $("question"), choicesContainer = $("choices"), scoreContainer = $("score"), submitBtn = $("submit"); // init vars var cQarr = []; for (var i=0; i" + "
"; } questionContainer.textContent = (currentQuestion + 1) + ". " + quiz[cQarr[currentQuestion]].question; choicesContainer.innerHTML = choicesHtml; if (currentQuestion === 0) { submitBtn.textContent = "Submit Answer"; } } function checkAnswer() { if (askingQuestion) { submitBtn.textContent = "Next Question"; askingQuestion = false; var userpick, correctIndex, radios = document.getElementsByName("quiz" + currentQuestion); for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) { if (radios[i].checked) { userpick = radios[i].value; } if (radios[i].value == quiz[cQarr[currentQuestion]].correct) { correctIndex = i; } } var labelStyle = document.getElementsByTagName("label")[correctIndex].style; labelStyle.fontWeight = "bold"; if (userpick == quiz[cQarr[currentQuestion]].correct) { score++; labelStyle.color = "green"; } else { labelStyle.color = "red"; } } else { askingQuestion = true; submitBtn.textContent = "Submit Answer"; if (currentQuestion < quiz.length - 1) { currentQuestion++; askQuestion(); } else { showFinalResults(); } } } function showFinalResults() { content.innerHTML = "

Result: " + Math.round(score / quiz.length * 100) + "%

" + score + " out of " + quiz.length + "   " + "

"; } window.addEventListener("load", askQuestion, false); submitBtn.addEventListener("click", checkAnswer, false);


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