#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : EASA Part 66, 145, and 147

Sunday 16 June 2024

EASA Part 66, 145, and 147

 EASA Part 66, 145, and 147 are crucial regulations for aviation safety in the EU.EASA Part 66:

 Certifying StaffPurpose:

 Defines requirements for aircraft maintenance engineers.Licenses: Categories A, B1, B2, B3, C, each with specific privileges and qualifications.

EASA Part 145:

 Maintenance OrganizationsScope: 

Governs the approval of organizations that maintain aircraft and components.


Qualified personnel, adequate facilities, documented procedures, and proper record-keeping.

EASA Part 147:

 Training OrganizationsPurpose:

 Sets standards for organizations providing training for Part 66 certifications.


Approved courses, proper facilities, qualified instructors, and rigorous exams.These parts ensure high standards in aircraft maintenance and training, contributing to aviation safety.

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