#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : EASA module 10 Aviation Legislation

Thursday 16 May 2024

EASA module 10 Aviation Legislation

EASA module 10 Aviation Legislation 

  1. eXplain in details the process of obtaining a Part-66 Basic License & then describe how you can obtain an extension to the basic license & how you can obtain a type approval & how you can add additional types?
    Elaborate the four annexes of regulation (EC) 2024/2003, their purpose & relationship
    You are a Part 145 company. What aspects would need to be audited by the quality department to retain the company approval & what human factor aspects would be involved. An organogram would help your answer.
    What is the purpose of the ANO, BCAR, Commission Regulation(EC) 2024/2003 & Commission Regulation (EC) 1702/2003 & describe the relationship between them.
    Describe the procedures and necessary requirements of a maintenance organization obtaining a part 145 approval
    Describe the requirements for the issue of a part 66 category A license and the procedures to obtain authorisation on this license?
    Describe the requirements for cockpit voice recorder in commercial transport a/c? Discuss the requirements to release an aircraft without a CVR?
    There is a deferred defect that affects both auto-land and ETOPS capability. Describe in detail, how you would ensure any replacement parts are compatible and how you would return the aircraft to service.

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