#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : Electrostatic sensitive device

Thursday 2 September 2021

Electrostatic sensitive device

 Electrostatic sensitive device 

An electrostatic-sensitive device (often abbreviated ESD) is any thing (usually electrical) which may be damaged through common static costs which building up on humans, tools, and other non-conductors or semiconductors. ESD commonly also stands for electrostatic discharge

As electronic parts like computer primary processing gadgets (CPUs) emerge as packed an increasing number of densely with transistors the transistors decrease and grow to be increasingly susceptible to ESD.

not unusual electrostatic-touchy gadgets include:

MOSFET transistors, used to make incorporated circuits (ICs)

CMOS ICs (chips), integrated circuits constructed with MOSFETs. Examples are laptop CPUs, photographs ICs.

laptop cards

TTL chips

Laser diodes

Blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

high precision resistors

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