#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : Continuity testing with DMM

Sunday 15 August 2021

Continuity testing with DMM


What is continuity?

Continuity is the presence of a complete path for current flow.

A closed switch that is operational, for example, has continuity. 

A continuity test is a quick check to see if a circuit is open or closed. Only a closed, complete circuit (one that is switched on) has continuity. 

During a  continuity test ,  a digital multimeter sends a small current through the circuit to measure resistance in the circuit. 

A meter with a continuity beeper briefly sounds off when it detects a closed circuit.

Continuity testing with DMM is used to know:-


If a fuse is good or blown.

Ø  If conductors are open or shorted.

Ø  If switches are operating properly.

Ø  If circuit paths are clear (accomplished by circuit or conductor tracing).


Continuity testing should be attempted only when voltage is NOT present in the circuit being tested.

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