Saturday 27 July 2019


03. Electrical Terminology ..................................

Question Number. 1. If a photon radiating into an electronic device causes the production of an electron/hole pair, the device is known as a.

Option A. light emitting diode.

Option B. laser diode.

Option C. photodiode.

Correct Answer is. photodiode. Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 2. Faraday's Law States that.

Option A. the magnitude of the EMF is indirectly proportional to the rate of change of flux.

Option B. the magnitude of the EMF is directly proportional to the magnetic flux.

Option C. the magnitude of the EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux.

Correct Answer is. the magnitude of the EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux. Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 3. Which of the following is 1 Amp?.

Option A. 1000 mA. ...

Option B. 1000 kA. Option C. 1000 μA.

Correct Answer is. 1000 mA.

Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 4. The term that describes the combined resistive forces in an AC circuit is. Option A. resistance. Option B. total resistance. Option C. impedance. Correct Answer is. impedance. Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 5. Ohm's law states that:. Option A. e.m.f. = current divided by resistance.

Option B. current = e.m.f. divided by resistance.

Option C. resistance = current divided by e.m.f.

Correct Answer is. current = e.m.f. divided by resistance.

Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 6. E.M.F. in an electric circuit corresponds to what in a magnetic circuit.

Option A. MMF

. Option B. reluctance.

Option C. flux.

Correct Answer is. MMF. Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 7. In conventional current flow, what is Fleming's right hand rule used for?.

Option A. Generators.

Option B. Motors.

Option C. Inductors.

Correct Answer is. Generators.

Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 8. The SI unit of work is. Option A. Kilogram metres-force.

Option B. Joules per metre.

Option C. Joules per second (Watts).

Correct Answer is. Kilogram metres-force.

Explanation. Work is measured in joules, which is Newton.metres or kilogram.metres force (since Newtons are kilograms force).

Question Number. 9. A coulomb is.

Option A. one ampere * second.

Option B. one second per ampere.

Option C. one ampere per second. Correct Answer is. one ampere * second.

Explanation. Current (amps) = charge (coulombs) per second. You do the transposition ..................................

Question Number. 10. An electric current is a flow of.

Option A. electrons from a positively charged area to a negatively charged area.

Option B. electrons from a negatively charged area to a positively charged area.

Option C. protons from a positively charged area to a negatively charged area.

Correct Answer is. protons from a positively charged area to a negatively charged area. OR electrons from a negatively charged area to a positively charged area.

Explanation. Electrons flow from negative to positive ..................................

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