Saturday 27 July 2019


Question Number. 11. Two batteries 12V and 40 Ah each, are in series. What is the total capacity?. Option A. 12V 80 Ah. Option B. 24V 40 Ah. Option C. 24V 80Ah. Correct Answer is. 24V 40 Ah. Explanation. Batteries in series - voltage increases but capacity remains the same (vice versa if they were in parallel) ..................................

Question Number. 12. If a battery has got low internal resistance, then the. Option A. no load voltage will be the same as on load voltage. Option B. on load voltage will be greater than no load voltage. Option C. no load voltage will be greater than on load voltage. Correct Answer is. no load voltage will be greater than on load voltage. Explanation. The internal resistance will always drop the voltage and reduce the terminal voltage. It is the same whether it is high or low internal resistance - just a matter of 'how much' ..................................

Question Number. 13. Conventional current flow inside a battery is from. Option A. either anode to cathode or cathode to anode, depending on the active elements. Option B. cathode to anode. Option C. anode to cathode. Correct Answer is. anode to cathode. Explanation. The cathode is positive. Conventional current flows from positive to negative on the external circuit, but to close the circuit must flow negative to positive INSIDE the battery ..................................

Question Number. 14. In a voltaic cell, what is the build-up on the cathode called?. Option A. Hydration. ... Option B. Polarization. Option C. Sulphation. Correct Answer is. Sulphation. Explanation. Polarization is build-up of hydrogen on the ANODE. Sulphation however, is build-up of lead-sulphate on BOTH anode and cathode ..................................

Question Number. 15. Two 12V 40 amp hour batteries connected in parallel will produce. Option A. 24V 80 ah. Option B. 12V 80 ah. Option C. 24V 40 ah. Correct Answer is. 12V 80 ah. Explanation. NIL ..................................

Question Number. 16. A 24-volt source is required to furnish 48 watts to a parallel circuit consisting of four resistors of equal value. What is the voltage drop across each resistor?. Option A. 12 volts. Option B. 24 volts. Option C. 3 volts. Correct Answer is. 24 volts. Explanation. Resistors ion parallel, voltage across each one is the same and equal to the source voltage (if nothing else is in series with them) ..................................

Question Number. 17. The method of ascertaining the voltage of a standard aircraft lead-acid battery is by checking. Option A. the voltage on open circuit. Option B. the voltage off load. Option C. the voltage with rated load switched ON. Correct Answer is. the voltage off load. Explanation. Assuming it is just a voltage check (and not a charge test) then it must be off load when carrying out the test. Otherwise the internal resistance will drop the voltage by an amount which varies according to the external load ..................................

Question Number. 18. Two similar 12v batteries connected in parallel will produce. Option A. 24v e.m.f. with the same capacity as each battery. Option B. 12V e.m.f. with twice the capacity of each battery. Option C. 24V e.m.f. with twice the capacity of each battery Correct Answer is. 12V e.m.f. with twice the capacity of each battery. Explanation. Batteries in parallel - voltage remains the same but the current rating is increased ..................................

Question Number. 19. The voltage of a secondary cell is. ... Option A. determined by the active materials on the plates. Option B. determined by the number of plates. Option C. determined by the area of the plates. Correct Answer is. determined by the active materials on the plates. Explanation. Voltage of a battery is determined by what the plates are made from, and how many plates are in series. However, a 'cell' is not a battery and can only ever have two plates ..................................

Question Number. 20. What is the ampere-hour rating of a storage battery that is designed to deliver 45 amperes for 2.5 hours?. Option A. 112.5 ampere-hour. Option B. 90.0 ampere-hour. Option C. 45.0 ampere-hour. Correct Answer is. 112.5 ampere-hour. Explanation. Ampere.hours means amps * hours ..................................

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