#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.4.1


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Q1.        LRU’s stands for
a)            Line Replacement Units
b)            Line Repairable Units
c)            Land Replica Units
Q2.                BITE stands for
a)            Buy Inner test Equipment
b)            Built In Test Equipment
c)            Built In Typical Enviroment

Q3.                BITE
a)            is built in to an individual LRU only
b)            is part of a computerized central maintenance system only
c)            can be built in to an individual LRU or it can be part of a computerized central maintenance system
Q4.                Signals are …………. by the BITE to determine if there are any faults, to isolate the faults, and to verify correct operating parameters, especially after repair or replacement of an LRU
a)            Only sent
b)            sent and received
c)            only  received
Q5.                ACARS stands for
a)            An automatic Aircraft Commands Addressing and Rectifying System
b)            An automatic Air Data Computing  and Reproducing System
c)            An automatic Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System

Q6.                …………sends BITE maintenance data to the ground maintenance station
while the aircraft is en route.

a)            An automatic Aircraft Commands Addressing and Rectifying System
b)            An automatic Air Data Computing  and Reproducing System
c)            An automatic Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System

Q7.                To interrogate the Central Maintenance Computer (CMC) or conduct a BITE check of a system, the technician selects from the menu in the ……..
a)            CPU
b)            CDU
c)            DCU
Q8.                . The maintenance function of BITE is accessible only when the aircraft is ……..
a)            on the ground
b)            off  the ground
c)            on or off  the ground

Q9.                There are large buttons next to the CDU display screen, each button is known as …… (LSK).
a)            a Line Select Key
b)            a Land Seeing Key
c)            a Linear suppliment Key

Q10.             Avionics test equipment can be classified into …….categories
a)            two
b)            three
c)            four

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