#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.4.3



Q1.        A TDR  Time Domain Reflectometer can also indicate if a cable is pinched. A pinch condition will appear on the graticule as a…….. due to added impedance
a)            Dip
b)            Drift up
c)            Dip and drift up
Q2.        A TDR can also indicate if a cable is frayed. A fray will cause the trace to …..
a)            Dip
b)            Drift up
c)            Dip and drift up

Q3.        Typical instrumentation on ……….includes an altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and airspeed indicators
a)            pitot test equipment
b)            static test equipment
c)            pitot static test equipment
Q4.        Typical instrumentation on pitot static test equipment includes
a)            an altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and airspeed indicators
b)            an aileron, vertical stablizer, and oil indicators
c)            a communication system, vertical speed indicator, and airspeed indicators

Q5.        There are …….. types of diagnostic equipment used for testing the pitot static system based on their mode of operation
a)            two
b)            three
c)            four

Q6.        The pitot static system must be tested periodically to ensure instrumentation that uses …………as inputs provide accurate indications to the flight crew.
a)            pitot pressures
b)            static pressures
c)            pitot and static pressures
Q7.        Pitot static test equipment
a)            is  Calibrated
b)            is  Not Calibrated
c)            Calibration depends upon user intent

Q8.        VXI stands for
a)            VME bus expansion for instrumentation
b)            VHF bus exploration for instrumentation

c)            VLF bi extention for instruments

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