#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.3.5


Q1.       1      An offset screwdriver may be used when ……. space is limited
a)            eliptical
b)            horizontal
c)            vertical

Q2.        2    ……….. screwdrivers are constructed with both ends bent 90° to the shank handle
a)            Standard
b)            Offset
c)            Cordless

Q3.       3       ………. screwdrivers  sometimes referred to as “10 in 1” screwdrivers  allow for the quick changing of a screwdriver tip  and economical replacement of the tip when it becomes worn
a)            Cordless
b)            Replaceable tip
c)            Standard

Q4.        4     pliers and plier type cutting tools length  usually ranges from
a)          3 to 5 inches
b)          5 to 12 inches
c)          15 to 18 inches.

Q5.        5    ……… pliers are used to crimp metal.
a)            Roundnose
b)            Duckbill
c)            Needle nose

Q6.        6    …………………... have half round jaws of varying lengths. They are used to hold objects and make adjustments in tight places
a)            Needlenose pliers
b)            Duckbill pliers
c)            Cutter pliers

Q7.       7      Which Pliers  are used exclusively for twisting safety wire
a)            Needlenose pliers
b)            Cutter pliers
c)            Duckbill pliers

Q8.        8     the aviation technician uses a variety of holding devices  such as …………………… to hold the work together
a)            clamps  vises  and fasteners
b)            punches
c)            chisels

Q9.        9     ………….. hold materials in place when it is not possible to handle a tool and the workpiece at the same time
a)            chisels
b)            punches
c)            Clamps and vises

Q10.    10      A …….. is a fastening device with movable jaws that has opposing  often adjustable  sides or parts
a)            caliper
b)            clamp
c)            Divider

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