#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : quiz 1.18.11

quiz 1.18.11



Question Number. 1. Primary Radar is.
Option A. for ground use only.
Option B. reflected signal from aircraft's own radar.
Option C. interrogation of aircraft's transponder.

Question Number. 2. A battery in situ on an aircraft charges at a fairly constant rate because generator voltage remains constant.
Option A. may charge slowly if initial battery voltage is low.
Option B. may charge at an excessive rate if initial battery voltage is low.
Option C. may charge at an excessive rate if initial battery voltage is high.

Question Number. 3. To parallel an alternating current generator with one or more other generators, phase A must be.
Option A. in-phase with other generators and CBA only.
Option B. 90 degrees out-of-phase and ABC.
Option C. in-phase with other generators and ABC.

Question Number. 4. On an unparalleled twin generator alternating current system, the phase of the second generator to be brought on line.
Option A. must be in-phase prior to paralleling.
Option B. is important if the first generator fails.
Option C. is unimportant.

Question Number. 5. When an autopilot is Fail Passive,.
Option A. the aircraft reverts to fail operational autopilot.
Option B. the pilot must resume control and land the aircraft.
Option C. the autoland can continue.

Question Number. 6. On the direct current short shunt generator circuit shown, output voltage at the load is 200V. What is the voltage across the shunt winding?.

Option A. 200V.
Option B. 206V.
Option C. 212V.

Question Number. 7. On a direct current circuit, current limiters.
Option A. prevent excessive current to the field circuit.
Option B. allow excessive current to the load circuit.
Option C. prevent excessive current to the load circuit.

Question Number. 8. On a direct current twin generator system, the paralleling relay contacts close when the oncoming generators voltage is.
Option A. above bus voltage.
Option B. below bus voltage.
Option C. the same as bus voltage.

Question Number. 9. On an aircraft's navigation displays, distance measuring equipment gives.
Option A. height and range to beacon.
Option B. ground range to beacon.
Option C. slant range to beacon.

Question Number. 10. On a modern aircraft flight instrument display system, Radio deviation is shown on.
Option A. EADI.
Option B. EHSI & EADI.
Option C. EHSI.


Question Number.    1.    Primary Radar is.     
Option A.    for ground use only. 
Option B.    reflected signal from aircraft's own radar. 
Option C.    interrogation of aircraft's transponder. 
Correct Answer is.    for ground use only. 
Explanation.    NIL.     

Question Number.    2.    A battery in situ on an aircraft charges at a fairly constant rate because generator voltage remains constant.     
Option A.    may charge slowly if initial battery voltage is low. 
Option B.    may charge at an excessive rate if initial battery voltage is low. 
Option C.     
Correct Answer is.    may charge at an excessive rate if initial battery voltage is low. 
Explanation.    NIL.     

Question Number.    3.    To parallel an alternating current generator with one or  more other generators, phase A must be.     
Option A.    in-phase with other generators and CBA only. 
Option B.    90 degrees out-of-phase and ABC. 
Option C.    in-phase with other generators and ABC. 
Correct Answer is.    in-phase with other generators and CBA only. 
Explanation.    NIL.     

Question Number.    4.    On an unparalleled twin generator alternating current  system, the phase of the second generator to be  brought on line.     
Option A.    must be in-phase prior to paralleling. 
Option B.    is important if the first generator fails. 
Option C.    is unimportant. 
Correct Answer is.    must be in-phase prior to paralleling. 
Explanation.    NIL.     

Question Number.    5.    When an autopilot is Fail Passive,.     
Option A.    the aircraft reverts to fail operational autopilot. 
Option B.    the pilot must resume control and land the aircraft. 
Option C.    the autoland can continue. 
Correct Answer is.    the pilot must resume control and land the aircraft. 
Explanation.    Pallett Automatic Flight Control p211.     

Question Number.    6.    On the direct current short shunt generator circuit shown, output voltage at the load is 200V. What is the voltage across the shunt winding?.     

Option A.    200V. 
Option B.    206V. 
Option C.    212V. 
Correct Answer is.    200V. 
Explanation.    The 10 ohm shunt, 0.06 ohm and the 0.04 ohm are the field windings. The generator output is split between the 0.06 ohm and the 100 ohm load, but only by 0.06/100x 200V = 0.12V (across the 0.06 ohm). So the voltage across the shunt winding is closer to 200V than the other two answers.     

Question Number.    7.    On a direct current circuit, current limiters.     
Option A.    prevent excessive current to the field circuit. 
Option B.    allow excessive current to the load circuit. 
Option C.    prevent excessive current to the load circuit. 
Correct Answer is.    prevent excessive current to the load circuit. 
Explanation.    NIL.     

Question Number.    8.    On a direct current twin generator system, the paralleling relay contacts close when the oncoming generators voltage is.     
Option A.    above bus voltage. 
Option B.    below bus voltage. 
Option C.    the same as bus voltage. 
Correct Answer is.    above bus voltage. 
Explanation.    NIL.     

Question Number.    9.    On an aircraft's navigation displays, distance measuring equipment gives.     
Option A.    height and range to beacon. 
Option B.    ground range to beacon. 
Option C.    slant range to beacon. 
Correct Answer is.    slant range to beacon. 
Explanation.    NIL.     

Question Number.    10.    On a modern aircraft flight instrument display system, Radio deviation is shown on.     
Option A.    EADI. 
Option B.    EHSI & EADI. 
Option C.    EHSI. 
Correct Answer is.    EHSI & EADI. 
Explanation.    Radio deviation is VOR or ILS. The deviation indicator is duplicated. It is on the EHSI and EADI.     

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