#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.3.4


Q1.                Often used to measure the length of an object  the ………. provides greater accuracy than the ruler
a)    Slide caliper
b)    rule
c)    combination set

Q2.                It can  by virtue of its specially formed jaws  measure both inside and outside dimensions
a)            rule
b)            combination set
c)            Slide caliper

Q3.                The …….. can be classified by its shape  type of blade  and blade length
a)    screwdriver
b)    combination set
c)    Slide caliper
Q4.                A common screwdriver ……………………
a)    must fill at least 50 percent of the screw slot
b)    must fill at least 75 percent of the screw slot
c)    both A and B are correct

Q5.                The …………. screwdriver is used only where slotted head screws or fasteners are found on aircraft
a)    philips screwdriver
b)    common screwdriver
c)    ratchet screwdriver

Q6.                An example of a fastener that requires the use of a common screwdriver is the ……….. that is used to secure the cowling on some aircraft
a)    Rhoumbus fastener
b)    Douglas fastener
c)    Cam lock style fastener

Q7.                The two types of …………………. head screws in common use are the Phillips and the Reed & Prince caliper
a)    rooted
b)     recessed
c)    Standard

Q8.                the ……. screwdriver is blunt on the end
a)    Phillips
b)    common
c)    standard

Q9.                The most common crosspoint screwdrivers are
a)    the Number 1 and Number 2 Phillips
b)    the Number 4 and Number 5 Phillips
c)    the Number 3 and Number 4 Phillips

Q10.             the …….. screw has a slightly larger center in the cross
a)    common
b)    standard
c)    Phillips

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