#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 2.13.11




Question Number. 11. A restrictor valve.
Option A. speed up the flow in one direction.
Option B. may be used to slow down undercarriage extension.
Option C. restrict the extent of travel of the undercarriage.

Question Number. 12. The function of the oil in a shock absorber is to.
Option A. ensure the separator does not bottom.
Option B. damp the rebound.
Option C. absorb the landing shock.

Question Number. 13. The purpose of the flutter plate in a shock absorber is to.
Option A. permit free flow of oil during compression and restriction of oil during extension.
Option B. restrict the compression of the air.
Option C. separate the oil from the air.

Question Number. 14. Made up wheels should be stored.
Option A. vertical at working pressure.
Option B. vertical at 20/30 PSI charge.
Option C. horizontal no more than 4 high.

Question Number. 15. "After MLG down and securely locked, a red light is illuminated
n the flight deck. The possible causes are."
Option A. shorted sensor.
Option B. out of adjustment sensor.
Option C. wiring problem.

Question Number. 16. When checking for alignment of a MLG, check.
Option A. symmetry, tracking, camber.
Option B. symmetry, splay, tracking.
Option C. symmetry, twist, tracking.

Question Number. 17. These markings are found on a tyre32 x 10.45 R 14.What does the number 32 mean?.
Option A. Outer diameter.
Option B. qwidth.
Option C. Inner diameter.

Question Number. 18. A green/grey dot marking on aircraft tyre casing represents.
Option A. breather points.
Option B. the light part of the tyre.
Option C. military reference.

Question Number. 19. In detachable flange type wheels, the flange is secured by.
Option A. a retainer plate.
Option B. a lock ring.
Option C. bolts.

Question Number. 20. Fuse plugs in aircraft tyres are.
Option A. for over temperature protection.
Option B. for overpressure protection.
Option C. to deflate the tyre before removal.


Question Number. 11. A restrictor valve.
Option A. speed up the flow in one direction.
Option B. may be used to slow down undercarriage extension.
Option C. restrict the extent of travel of the undercarriage.
Correct Answer is. may be used to slow down undercarriage extension.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/3-6 Page 7&8.

Question Number. 12. The function of the oil in a shock absorber is to.
Option A. ensure the separator does not bottom.
Option B. damp the rebound.
Option C. absorb the landing shock.
Correct Answer is. damp the rebound.
Explanation. Jeppesen A&P technician Airframe Textbook Page 9-5.

Question Number. 13. The purpose of the flutter plate in a shock absorber is to.
Option A. permit free flow of oil during compression and restriction of oil during extension.
Option B. restrict the compression of the air.
Option C. separate the oil from the air.
Correct Answer is. permit free flow of oil during compression and restriction of oil during extension.
Explanation. NIL.

Question Number. 14. Made up wheels should be stored.
Option A. vertical at working pressure.
Option B. vertical at 20/30 PSI charge.
Option C. horizontal no more than 4 high.
Correct Answer is. vertical at 20/30 PSI charge.
Explanation. CAIPS AL3-18 para 15-1 and 15-3.

Question Number. 15. "After MLG down and securely locked, a red light is illuminated
n the flight deck. The possible causes are."
Option A. shorted sensor.
Option B. out of adjustment sensor.
Option C. wiring problem.
Correct Answer is. out of adjustment sensor.
Explanation. Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 176.

Question Number. 16. When checking for alignment of a MLG, check.
Option A. symmetry, tracking, camber.
Option B. symmetry, splay, tracking.
Option C. symmetry, twist, tracking.
Correct Answer is. symmetry, tracking, camber.
Explanation. A+P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 9-13.

Question Number. 17. These markings are found on a tyre32 x 10.45 R 14.What does the number 32 mean?.
Option A. Outer diameter.
Option B. qwidth.
Option C. Inner diameter.
Correct Answer is. Outer diameter.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/3-18 3.1.

Question Number. 18. A green/grey dot marking on aircraft tyre casing represents.
Option A. breather points.
Option B. the light part of the tyre.
Option C. military reference.
Correct Answer is. breather points.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/3-18 3.6, CAAIPs Leaflet 5-7 2.4.

Question Number. 19. In detachable flange type wheels, the flange is secured by.
Option A. a retainer plate.
Option B. a lock ring.
Option C. bolts.
Correct Answer is. a lock ring.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/3-18 4.7.1.

Question Number. 20. Fuse plugs in aircraft tyres are.
Option A. for over temperature protection.
Option B. for overpressure protection.
Option C. to deflate the tyre before removal.
Correct Answer is. for overpressure protection.
Explanation. AL/3-19 3.1.2 Fuse plugs protect the tyre from explosion due to overpressure, albeit the overpressure as a result of temperature rise.

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