#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.1.1


Q1.  Hearing protection.
a)      can be external or internal
b)      are external only
c)       are  internal only
Q2.  The external hearing  protection is the
a)      earmuff/headphone type
b)      earplug type
c)       earplug/ megaphone type

Q3.  The …………. hearing  protection  type fit into the auditory canal.
a)      external
b)      Internal and external both
c)       internal
Q4.  FOD stands for
a)      foreigner objective destruction
b)      foreign object damage
c)       fromn object damage
Q5.  ……….is any damage caused by any loose object to aircraft, personnel, or equipment
a)      EOD
b)      SOD
c)       FOD
Q6.  To control FOD,
a)      keep ramp and operation areas clean, have a tool control program.
b)      provide convenient receptacles for trash, used hardware, shop towels, and other consumables.
c)       A and B are correct
Q7.  When approaching a helicopter while the blades are turning,
a.       observe the rotor head
b.      observe  blades to see if they are level.
c.       A and B are correct

Q8.  It is known that when electricity is applied to the human body, it can create severe burns
a)      in the area of entrance
b)      at the point of exit from the body.
c)       A and B are correct

Q9.  Two factors that affect safety when dealing with electricity are
a)      fear and underconfidence.
b)      Curiosity  and overconfidence
c)       fear and overconfidence
Q10.          When inflating tires on any type of aircraft wheels,
a)      always use helmets
b)      always use tire cage guards

c)       always use tire gloves and goggles

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