#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.6.5



Q1.     If the center line of the shaft is not straight, then the item is
a)         Bowed
b)         Twisted
c)          Ovaled
Q2.     To measure the amount of bow in a structural member (for example, a strut)………… can be used
a)         Dial Test Indicator, scribing block
b)         Straight edge and a set of feelers can be used
c)          Go/No Go gauges, internal micrometers, or calipers

Q3.     If the twist disappears, as a result of removing the force, then the shaft will have been loaded
a)         above its elastic limit
b)         equal to its elastic limit
c)          below its elastic limit
Q4.     If the shaft remains twisted, after removal of the load, then it has been loaded
d)         above its elastic limit
e)         equal to its elastic limit
f)          below its elastic limit
Q5.     To check for roundness of a shaft, place the shaft in a V block and measure with a __________________  or a __________________.
a)         Go/No Go gauges, internal micrometers, or calipers
b)         Dial Test Indicator, scribing block
c)          a straight edge , a set of feelers

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