#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.5.5



Q1.                 ……… require use of special devices for both reading and printing the information.
a)                     Microfilm
b)                     Microfiche
c)                      Microfilm and microfiche
Q2.                       ISO stands for              
a)                            Intercontinental Organization for Stability
b)                           International Organization for Standardization
c)                            Internal Security Organization

Q3.                 ………       drawing shows an object as it appears to an observer.
a)                     pictorial
b)                     schematic
c)                      block

Q4.                 ………       diagrams are used mainly in troubleshooting
a)                     schematic
b)                     pictorial
c)                      block

Q5.                 ………      line indicates that a portion of the object is not shown on the drawing
a)                     Break line
b)                     Phantom line
c)                      Centre line

Q6.                 ………      line is composed of one long and two short evenly spaced  dashes.
a)                     Break line
b)                     Phantom line
c)                      Centre line
Q7.                 ……….  process in which a computer is used in the design and drafting process is known as  
a)                     CAD,  Computer Aided Drafting
b)                     Computing Aimed  Digital
c)                      Compulsory additional debugging

Q8.                 ……       is defined as  the difference between extreme permissible dimensions that a part may have and still be acceptable for service
a)                     tolerance
b)                     allowance
c)                      limit
Q9.                 How many views are shown on an orthopedic projection of a complex part?
a)                     Four
b)                     Five
c)                      Six


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