#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.5.3



Q1.                 ………. are used in maintenance, overhaul, and part numbers
a)                     pictorial drawings
b)                     orthographic drawing
c)                      oblique drawing

Q2.                 ……. types of pictorial drawings are used frequently by aircraft engineers and technicians
a)                     Two
b)                     Three
c)                      Four

Q3.                 A ………  shows an object as it appears to an observer
a)                     perspective view
b)                     full section view
c)                      half section view

Q4.                 An ………….  uses a combination of views of an orthographic projection and tilts the object forward so that portions of all three views can be seen in one view
a)                     full section view
b)                     half section view
c)                      isometric view
Q5.                 lines in ………. are parallel and dimensioned as they are in an orthographic projection.
a)                     an isometric drawing
b)                     oblique drawing
c)                      exploded view drawing
Q6.                 In …….. , two of the three drawing axes are always at right angles to each other.
a)                     oblique drawing
b)                     an isometric drawing
c)                      An exploded view drawing
Q7.                 …….is a pictorial drawing of two or more parts that fit together as an assembly
a)                     oblique drawing
b)                     an isometric drawing
c)                      an exploded view drawing

Q8.                 ………  shows the individual parts and their relative position to the other parts before they are assembled.
a)                     oblique drawing
b)                     an exploded view drawing
c)                      an isometric drawing

Q9.                 the aviation mechanic will be concerned with  types of diagrams during the performance of his or her job may be grouped into ……classes or types
a)                     two
b)                     three
c)                      four
Q10.             ………. identifies each of the components in the systems and shows their location in the aircraft
a)                     Installation diagrams
b)                     Schematic diagrams
c)                      Block diagrams

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