#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.5.2



Q1.                 A ………….  drawn directly on the exterior view shows the shape of the cross section of a part, such as the spoke of a wheel
a)                     section or sectional view
b)                     full section view
c)                      revolved  section

Q2.                 A illustrates particular parts of an object. It is drawn like revolved sections, except it is placed at one side and, to bring out pertinent details
a)                     section or sectional view
b)                     removed section
c)                      revolved  section

Q3.                 Every print must have some means of identification. This is provided by a
a)                     title block
b)                     reference no
c)                      serial no
Q4.                 All prints are identified by a number, which appears in a number
a)                     block in the lower right-hand corner of the title block
b)                     near the top border line, in the upper righthand corner
c)                      block in the lower right-hand corner of the title block , near the top border line, in the upper righthand corner or  on the reverse side of the print at both ends so that the number will show when the print is folded or rolled
Q5.                 The sum of the plus and minus allowance figures is called
a)                     Allowance
b)                     Tolerance
c)                      Limits
Q6.                 ………. is the branch of mathematics that deals with lines, angles, figures and certain assumed properties in space.
a)                     Algebra
b)                     Calculas
c)                      Geometry
Q7.                 In orthographic projection, there are ……. possible views of an object
a)                     four
b)                     five
c)                      six
Q8.                 A ………… shows only a part of the object but in greater detail and to a larger scale than the principal view
a)                     detail view
b)                     full section view
c)                      half section view

Q9.                 A ……….  is similar to a photograph. It shows an object as it appears to the eye, but it is not satisfactory for showing complex forms and shapes
a)                     pictorial drawing
b)                     orthographic drawing
c)                      oblique drawing
Q10.             ……….. are useful in showing the general appearance of an object and are used extensively with orthographic projection drawings.
a)                     orthographic drawing
b)                     oblique drawing
c)                      pictorial drawings

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