#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.5.1


Q1.                 Drawings and prints are the link between
a)                     the manufacturer of an aircraft and the workers who build, maintain, and repair it.
b)                     the engineers who design an aircraft and the manufacturer of aircraft.
c)                      the engineers who design an aircraft and the workers who build, maintain, and repair it.
Q2.                 Drawings may be divided into ……. Classes
a)                     Two
b)                     Three
c)                      Four
Q3.                 A …………is a description of a single part, describing by lines, notes, and symbols the specifications for size, shape, material, and methods of manufacture to be used in making the part
a)                     detail drawing
b)                     assembly drawing
c)                      installation drawing
Q4.                 ………… is a description of an object made up of two or more parts
a)                     assembly drawing
b)                     detail drawing
c)                      installation drawing

Q5.                 An assembly drawing is usually ……….. a detail drawing
a)                     more complex than
b)                     less complex than
c)                      same as

Q6.                 An ………. is one which includes all necessary information for a part or an assembly in the final installed position in the aircraft
a)                     installation drawing
b)                     detail drawing
c)                      assembly drawing

Q7.                 A ………. is obtained by cutting away part of an object to show the shape and construction at the cutting plane
a)                     section or sectional view
b)                     full section view
c)                      half section
Q8.                 A …………. is used when the interior construction or hidden features of an object cannot be shown clearly by exterior views
a)                     section or sectional view
b)                     full section view
c)                      half section
Q9.                 In a……….. , the cutting plane extends only halfway across the object, leaving the other half of the object as an exterior view
a)                     section or sectional view
b)                     full section view
c)                      half section
Q10.             ………  are used to advantage with symmetrical objects to show both the interior and exterior
a)                     section or sectional view
b)                     full section view
c)                      half section

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