#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.4.2


Q1.        By function avionics testing equipment is classified in  . …….basic categories
a)            two
b)            three
c)            four
Q2.        A ……….provides a known signal or stimulus which is then processed by the tested unit.
a)            multimeter
b)            analyzer
c)            generator
Q3.        …….., is used to determine whether the output of the unit is within design tolerances
a)            analyzer
b)            generator
c)            generator

Q4.        Analyzers ………
a)            are shop based units
b)            are portable units
c)            can be shop based or portable units
Q5.        The common multimeter is one type of……..
a)            analyzer
b)            generator
c)            generator
Q6.        Oscilloscopes are another commonly used……
a)            generator
b)            generator
c)            analyzer

Q7.        ………measures variations of a parameter as a function of time and displays them graphically on a screen.
a)            An oscilloscope
b)            A radar scope
c)            A time domain reflectometer
Q8.        TDR stands for
a)            The Damping Radar
b)            Time Domain Reflectometer
c)            Tape Directing Replica
Q9.        ………. is often used to check for standing waves in transmission lines
a)            Time Domain Reflectometer
b)            The Damping Radar
c)            Tape Directing Replica
Q10.     The indication provided by the ……….trace signal displays an open or short and provides the distance along the transmission line
a)            The Damping Radar
b)            Tape Directing Replica
c)            Time Domain Reflectometer

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