#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.3.2


Q1.                In aircraft work  the unit of measure most commonly used is the
a)    Centimeter
b)    Inch
c)    feet

Q2.                The ……….. can be used to check angles and also may be set at any desired angle to draw lines
a)    centre head
b)    the square or stock head
c)    protactor head

Q3.                The ……….. is designed to serve the aviation mechanic in the same way a pencil or pen serves a writer
a)    caliper
b)    scriber
c)    divider

Q4.                In general  it is used to scribe or mark lines on metal surfaces.
a)    caliper
b)    divider
c)    scriber

Q5.                The scriber is made of tool steel  4 to 12 inches long  and has two needle pointed ends
a)    scriber
b)    caliper
c)    divider

Q6.                Which tools has two legs joined at the top by a pivot
a)    Dividers and pencil compasses
b)    Scriber
c)    Straightedge

Q7.                They are used to scribe circles and arcs and for transferring measurements from the rule to the work.
a)    Scriber
b)    Straightedge
c)    Dividers and pencil compasses

Q8.                ……….. are used for measuring diameters and distances or for comparing distances and sizes
a)    Scriber
b)    Calipers
c)    Dividers and pencil compasses

Q9.                How many types of calipers are there
a)    two
b)    three
c)    four

Q10.             Which of the following caliper will be used for measuring the diameter of a piece of round stock
a)    Inside calipers
b)    Outside calipers
c)    Hermophrodite calipers

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