#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.3.1


Q1.                Rules are manufactured in ……………… basic styles
a)    Two
b)    Three
c)    Four

Q2.                A rule
a)    Is  used as a measuring tool only
b)    Is  used as a straightedge only
c)    may be used either as a measuring tool or as a straightedge

Q3.                Which of the following statement is true?
a)    The imperial rule is a bit harder to read than a metric rule.
b)    The imperial rule is a bit easier  to read than a metric rule.
c)    Both rules are harder to read.

Q4.                Which of the following tools has  several uses
a)    The combination set
b)    Rulers
c)    Hacksaws

Q5.                In which of the following tools the head slides along the blade and can be clamped at any desired place
a)    The combination set
b)    Rulers
c)    Micrometer

Q6.                In combination set which head has  a level and scriber
a)    the square or stock head
b)    centre head
c)    protactor head

Q7.                In combination set  the spirit level in the …………. makes it convenient to square a piece of material with a surface and at the same time tell whether one or the other is plumb or level.
a)    centre head
b)    protactor head
c)    the square or stock head

Q8.                The combination of …………. and blade can also be used as a marking gauge to scribe lines at a 45° angle  as a depth gauge  or as a height gauge
a)    centre head
b)    the square or stock head
c)    protactor head

Q9.  Layout and measuring devices are
a)    precision tools
b)    cutting tools
c)    powered tools

Q10.             Rules are also called or
a)  rulers
b)  line gauges
c)  both A and B are correct

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