#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.3.15


Q1.                The megger consists of ………primary elements
a)    Two
b)    Three
c)    Four

Q2.                There are ……… types of hand-driven meggers
a)    Two
b)    Three
c)    Four

Q3.                Multiplying the volts by the amperes in an AC circuit gives the …………
a)    energy
b)    apparent power
c)    reactive power

Q4.                ………  is measured in units of vars (volt-amperes reactive) or kilovars (kilovolt-amperes reactive, abbreviated kVAR).
a)    energy
b)    apparent power
c)    reactive power

Q5.                When properly connected, wattmeters measure the
a)    energy
b)    reactive power
c)    apparent power

Q6.                Electric power is measured by means of a
a)    wattmeter
b)    Megger
c)    varacter

Q7.                electric power is the product of ………
a)    resistance  and voltage
b)    current and inductance
c)    current and voltage

Q8.                in an oscilloscope to get a visual representation of the input signal, an internally generated sawtooth voltage is generated and then applied to the
a)    horizontal deflection plates
b)    vertical deflection plates
c)    insulating  deflection plates

Q9.                Current is measured with the ammeter connected
a)    in the current path by opening or breaking the circuit and inserting the meter in parallel
b)    in the current path by opening or breaking the circuit and inserting the meter in series
c)    in series or parallel

Q10.             If in fact the inductor is in good condition, then the ohmmeter will indicate
a)    the zero resistance of the coil
b)    the infinite resistance of the coil
c)    the resistance of the coil

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