#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.3.14


Q1.                ………. may be accomplished by electrical means, by mechanical means, or by a combination of both.
a)    Amplification
b)    Attenuation
c)    Damping

Q2.                Damping
a)    is accomplished by electrical means only
b)    is accomplished by mechanical means only
c)    may be accomplished by electrical means, by mechanical means, or by a combination of both

Q3.                A common method of damping by …….means is to wind the moving coil on an aluminum frame
a)    Electrical
b)    Mechanical
c)    Both A and B are correct

Q4.                Air damping is a common method of damping by ………means
a)    Electrical
b)    Mechanical
c)    Both A and B are correct

Q5.                When voltmeters are used, they are connected in ………….with a circuit
a)    Series
b)    Parallel
c)    Series or parallel

Q6.                If unsure about the voltage to be  measured, take the first reading at
a)    the high value on the meter
b)    the low value on the meter
c)    the any value on the meter

Q7.                The megger, is also known as
a)    Resistio meter
b)    Variometer
c)    Megohmmeter

Q8.                The megger, or megohmmeter, is a ………..containing a hand-operated generator
a)    medium range ohmmeter
b)    high range ohmmeter
c)    low range ohmmeter

Q9.                ………… is used to measure insulation resistance and other high resistance values.
a)    Resistio meter
b)    Variometer
c)    Megohmmeter

Q10.             The chief advantage of the megger over an ohmmeter is
a)    its capacity to measure current with a high potential, or  breakdown voltage.
b)    its capacity to measure voltage with a high potential, or breakdown voltage.
c)    its capacity to measure resistance with a high potential, or  breakdown  voltage.

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