#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.3.13


Q1.                Externally excited meters
a)    operate from a power source within the meter
b)    does not require any power
c)    get their  power source from the circuit that they are connected to

Q2.                The greater the current through the coils of the rotating magnet,
a)    the weaker  the magnetic field produced
b)    the stronger the magnetic field produced
c)    the lesser the voltage produced

Q3.                Basically, both the ammeter and the voltmeter are
a)    current measuring instruments
b)    voltage  measuring instruments
c)    resistance measuring instruments

Q4.                ………..provides its own source (self-excited) of power and contains other auxiliary circuits
a)    A voltmeter
b)    An ohmmeter
c)    An ammeter

Q5.                The current sensitivity of a meter movement is the amount of current required ……….
a)    to drive the meter movement to a quarter scale deflection
b)    to drive the meter movement to a half scale deflection
c)    to drive the meter movement to a full scale deflection

Q6.                ………….is the actual DC resistance of the wire used to construct the meter coil.
a)    resistance senstivity
b)    movement resistance
c)    current senstivity

Q7.                A standard dArsonval meter movement may have a
a)    current sensitivity of 1mA and a resistance of 50Ω.
b)    current sensitivity of 0.1mA and a resistance of 500Ω.
c)    current sensitivity of 10A and a resistance of 5Ω.

Q8.                A standard d’Arsonval meter movement may have a current sensitivity of ………
a)    10mA
b)    0.1mA
c)    1mA

Q9.                A standard d’Arsonval meter movement may have a  resistance of ………
b)    50Ω
c)    500Ω

Q10.             The term ……… is applied to methods used to bring the pointer of an electrical meter to rest after it has been set in motion.
a)    Damping
b)    Amplification
c)    Attenuation

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