#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.3.12


Q1.                The …….file has two rows of teeth that cross each other
a)    Single cut
b)    Double cut
c)    Three square

Q2.                In a file the first row of teeth is generally referred to as
a)    Upcut
b)    Side cut
c)    overcut

Q3.                In a file the second row of teeth is generally referred to as “,” and the “
a)    upcut
b)    overcut
c)    side cut

Q4.                In a file the ………is somewhat finer and not as deep as the ………
a)    upcut, overcut
b)    overcut, upcut
c)    upcut, sidecut

Q5.                They are used principally for filing circular openings or concave surfaces
Q6.                ………files are single cut and are used for filing the gullet between saw teeth.
a)    Rectangular
b)    Vixen
c)    Triangular

Q7.                Curved-tooth files are especially designed for rapid filing and smooth finish on soft metals and wood.
a)    Rectangular
b)    Vixen (curved-tooth files)
c)    Triangular

Q8.                The ……..is an electrically operated, portable circular cutting saw that uses blades of various diameters
a)    Hacksaw
b)    Pegsaw
c)    Kett saw

Q9.                Meters are
a)    either self-excited or externally excited
b)    self-excited only
c)    externally excited only

Q10.             Meters that are self-excited
a)    operate from a power source within the meter
b)    does not require any power
c)    get their  power source from the circuit that they are connected to

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