#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.3.11


Q1.            In a single-cut file the teeth are cut at an angle of ……… to the centerline, depending on the intended use of the file.
a)    35°–65°
b)    65°–85°
c)    55°–95°

Q2.            Files that have one row of teeth crossing another row in a crisscross pattern are called ………files.
a)    Single cut files
b)    Double cut files
c)    vixen files

Q3.            in double-cut files. the angle of the first set of lines or teeth is usually  ………and that of the crossing teeth 70°– 80°
a)    40°–50°
b)    30°–50°
c)    60°–70°

Q4.            Files are graded according to the
a)    Job
b)    Tapper
c)    Tooth spacing

Q5.            a coarse file has a
a)    large nmber of fine teeth
b)    small number of large teeth
c)    small number of medium teeth

Q6.            a smooth file has a
a)    large number of fine teeth
b)    small number of large teeth
c)    small number of medium teeth

Q7.            In a file, the coarser the teeth, the ………..on each stroke of the file.
a)    less metal is removed
b)    same amount of metal is removed
c)    more metal is removed

Q8.            The terms used to indicate the coarseness or fineness of a file are rough, coarse, bastard, second cut, smooth, and dead smooth

Q9.            Files are usually made in ….types of cuts
a)    Two
b)    Three
c)    Four

Q10.               The ……..file has a single row of teeth extending across the face at an angle of 65° to 85° with the length of the file
a)    Single cut
b)    Double cut
c)    Three square

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