#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 7.1.2


Q1.  When working around oxygen and oxygen systems, There should be absolutely no smoking or open flames
a)               within a minimum of 15 feet of the work area
b)               within a minimum of 50 feet of the work area
c)                within a minimum of 100 feet of the work area.
Q2.  All oxygen lines should be marked and should have …………….. of clearance from moving parts, electrical wiring, and all fluid lines.
a)      at least 2 inches
b)      at least 5 inches
c)       at least 7 inches
Q3.  …………….. is a required document that contains information for the safe handling, use, storage and disposal of potentially hazardous chemicals
a)      Maintenance manual
b)      Overhaul manual
c)       material safety data sheet (MSDS or SDS)
Q4.  Many older national chemical safety organization SDS's may contain the pictogram label known as the
a)      risk square
b)      risk triangle
c)       risk diamond
Q5.  Risk diamond label has a staple of the Material Safety Data Sheet system utilized in the United States. It is a four color segmented diamond that represents Flammability
a)      Red
b)      Yellow
c)       Blue
Q6.  Risk diamond label has a staple of the Material Safety Data Sheet system utilized in the United States. It is a four color segmented diamond that represents Reactivity
a)      Red
b)      Yellow
c)       Blue

a)      Risk diamond label has a staple of the Material Safety Data Sheet system utilized in the United States. It is a four color segmented diamond that represents Health
a)      Red
b)      Yellow
c)       Blue

Q7.  Risk diamond label has a staple of the Material Safety Data Sheet system utilized in the United States. It is a four color segmented diamond that represents special Hazard
a)      Red
b)      Yellow
c)       White

Q8.  ………… things are required for a fire
a)      Two
b)      Three
c)       Four
Q9.  For commercial purposes, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has classified fires into ……… basic types
a)      Two
b)      Three
c)       Four

Q10.          ………… fires occur in ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, cloth, paper, upholstery materials, and so forth
a)      Class A
b)      Class B
c)       Class C

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