#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 2.12.11




Question Number. 11. A deicer boot is completely bonded to the leading edge to.
Option A. provide smoother airflow over leading edge.
Option B. prevent electrical static build up.
Option C. provide more efficient deicer cycles.

Question Number. 12. In a cockpit window heater system, the autotransformer.
Option A. supplies DC power for heating.
Option B. supplies AC Power for heating.
Option C. steps up output for severe weather conditions.

Question Number. 13. Windshield rain repellent is applied.
Option A. when rain is on windows and spread by wipers.
Option B. before rain and spread on window surface by wipers.
Option C. when in heavy rain so vision is unobscured.

Question Number. 14. Pneumatic rain removal systems.
Option A. use engine bleed air at high velocity to remove water droplets from windscreen.
Option B. are not permitted on large transport aircraft.
Option C. use a pneumatic motor to drive windscreen wipers.

Question Number. 15. Windscreen wiper torque tests are carried out at.
Option A. blade attachment end.
Option B. centre point of the blade.
Option C. the shaft end.

Question Number. 16. Windscreen autotransformers.
Option A. step down voltage.
Option B. step up voltage.
Option C. are used to supply extra current under difficult conditions.

Question Number. 17. An ice deposit formed when liquid water flows over the airframe before freezing, and which is dense, tough and sticks closely to the surface is called.
Option A. glaze Ice.
Option B. rime Ice.
Option C. hoar Frost.

Question Number. 18. When testing pitot head heaters.
Option A. they can only be checked by noting the temperature rise of the probe.
Option B. they must only be switched on for the minimum time required to check serviceability.
Option C. they should be switched on for five minutes to allow to stabilise before taking ammeter readings.

Question Number. 19. A rotary knife edge ice detector provides warning of ice by.
Option A. increased torque caused by ice formation slowing the rotating wheel and illuminating a warning light in the cockpit.
Option B. decreased torque caused by ice formation slowing the rotating wheel and illuminating a warning light in the cockpit.
Option C. ice formation stopping the rotation of a rotary knife edge and illuminating a warning light in the cockpit.

Question Number. 20. Windscreen heating is supplied from.
Option A. frequency wild generator, direct to the windscreen.
Option B. DC generator, via a transformer.
Option C. frequency wild generator, via a rectifier.


Question Number. 11. A deicer boot is completely bonded to the leading edge to.
Option A. provide smoother airflow over leading edge.
Option B. prevent electrical static build up.
Option C. provide more efficient deicer cycles.
Correct Answer is. prevent electrical static build up.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/11-1 3.4 (unless they mean 'bonded' as in cemented. In which case the answer is b). 

Question Number. 12. In a cockpit window heater system, the autotransformer.
Option A. supplies DC power for heating.
Option B. supplies AC Power for heating.
Option C. steps up output for severe weather conditions.
Correct Answer is. steps up output for severe weather conditions.
Explanation. Aircraft Electrical Systems Pallett Page 62/63 (Note: a transformer cannot 'supply'. 

Question Number. 13. Windshield rain repellent is applied.
Option A. when rain is on windows and spread by wipers.
Option B. before rain and spread on window surface by wipers.
Option C. when in heavy rain so vision is unobscured.
Correct Answer is. when rain is on windows and spread by wipers.
Explanation. Jeppesen, A&P Airframe Textbook Page 13-17. http://www.b737.org.uk/iceandrain.htm

Question Number. 14. Pneumatic rain removal systems.
Option A. use engine bleed air at high velocity to remove water droplets from windscreen.
Option B. are not permitted on large transport aircraft.
Option C. use a pneumatic motor to drive windscreen wipers.
Correct Answer is. use engine bleed air at high velocity to remove water droplets from windscreen.
Explanation. Jeppesen A & P Technician Airframe Textbook page 13-18.

Question Number. 15. Windscreen wiper torque tests are carried out at.

Option A. blade attachment end.
Option B. centre point of the blade.
Option C. the shaft end.
Correct Answer is. the shaft end.
Explanation. NIL.

Question Number. 16. Windscreen autotransformers.
Option A. step down voltage.
Option B. step up voltage.
Option C. are used to supply extra current under difficult conditions.
Correct Answer is. step up voltage.
Explanation. AL/11-4 4.2.2.

Question Number. 17. An ice deposit formed when liquid water flows over the airframe before freezing, and which is dense, tough and sticks closely to the surface is called.
Option A. glaze Ice.
Option B. rime Ice.
Option C. hoar Frost.
Correct Answer is. glaze Ice.
Explanation. NIL.

Question Number. 18. When testing pitot head heaters.
Option A. they can only be checked by noting the temperature rise of the probe.
Option B. they must only be switched on for the minimum time required to check serviceability.
Option C. they should be switched on for five minutes to allow to stabilise before taking ammeter readings.
Correct Answer is. they must only be switched on for the minimum time required to check serviceability.
Explanation. NIL.

Question Number. 19. A rotary knife edge ice detector provides warning of ice by.
Option A. increased torque caused by ice formation slowing the rotating wheel and illuminating a warning light in the cockpit.
Option B. decreased torque caused by ice formation slowing the rotating wheel and illuminating a warning light in the cockpit.
Option C. ice formation stopping the rotation of a rotary knife edge and illuminating a warning light in the cockpit.
Correct Answer is. decreased torque caused by ice formation slowing the rotating wheel and illuminating a warning light in the cockpit. OR increased torque caused by ice formation slowing the rotating wheel and illuminating a warning light in the cockpit.
Explanation. Aircraft Electrical Systems, Pallett, page 174.

Question Number. 20. Windscreen heating is supplied from.

Option A. frequency wild generator, direct to the windscreen.
Option B. DC generator, via a transformer.
Option C. frequency wild generator, via a rectifier.
Correct Answer is. frequency wild generator, direct to the windscreen.
Explanation. Aircraft Electrical Systems, Pallett, page173, fig.10-29.

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