#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 17.1.3




Question number. 11. Blade angle is taken from the chord and
Option a. Propeller shaft.
Option b. Relative airflow.
Option c. Plane of rotation.

Question number. 12. What forces act on a propeller blade? .
 Option a. Thrust and torque.
Option b. Bending, thrust, torque.
Option c. Bending, ctm and atm.


. Question number. 13. Ctm will.
Option a. Try to bend the blade away from the engine.
 Option b. Turn the blade about the lateral axis.
 Option c. Cause the tips to rotate at supersonic speeds.

Question number. 14. From reverse pitch, to return to normal pitch it.
Option a. Passes through coarse then fine.
Option b. Passes through coarse.
 Option c. Passes through fine.

Question number. 15. When in reverse pitch, ctm will tend to move the  propeller blades towards.
Option a. A positive pitch.
Option b. A position depending on rpm.
Option c. A negative pitch.

Question number. 16. If the blade angle is increased.
Option a. The pitch becomes finer.
Option b. The pitch becomes coarser.
Option c. Lateral stability decreases.

Question number. 17. As a propeller blade moves through the air, forces are produced, which are known as.
Option a. Lift and torque.
Option b. Lift and drag.
Option c. Thrust and torque.

. Question number. 18. A rotating propeller imparts rearwards motion to a.
Option a. Small mass of air at high velocity.
Option b. Large mass of air at low velocity.
Option c. Small mass of air at low velocity.

. Question number. 19. Propeller efficiency is.
Option a. The ratio of output speed to input propeller speed.
Option b. The ratio of the work applied to the geometric pitch to useful work on the c. S. U.
Option c. The ratio of the useful work done by the propeller to work done by the engine on the propeller.

Question number. 20. Geometric pitch is the distance moved.
 Option a. In one revolution.
Option b. In one revolution when slip is maximum.
Option c. In one revolution without slip.


Question number. 11. Blade angle is taken from the chord and
Option a. Propeller shaft.
Option b. Relative airflow.
Option c. Plane of rotation.
 Correct answer is. Plane of rotation.

Question number. 12. What forces act on a propeller blade? .
 Option a. Thrust and torque.
Option b. Bending, thrust, torque.
Option c. Bending, ctm and atm.
Correct answer is. Bending, ctm and atm.

. Question number. 13. Ctm will.
Option a. Try to bend the blade away from the engine.
 Option b. Turn the blade about the lateral axis.
 Option c. Cause the tips to rotate at supersonic speeds.
Correct answer is. Turn the blade about the lateral axis.

Question number. 14. From reverse pitch, to return to normal pitch it.
Option a. Passes through coarse then fine.
Option b. Passes through coarse.
 Option c. Passes through fine.
Correct answer is. Passes through fine.

Question number. 15. When in reverse pitch, ctm will tend to move the  propeller blades towards.
Option a. A positive pitch.
Option b. A position depending on rpm.
Option c. A negative pitch.
Correct answer is. A positive pitch.

Question number. 16. If the blade angle is increased.
Option a. The pitch becomes finer.
Option b. The pitch becomes coarser.
Option c. Lateral stability decreases.
Correct answer is. The pitch becomes coarser

Question number. 17. As a propeller blade moves through the air, forces are produced, which are known as.
Option a. Lift and torque.
Option b. Lift and drag.
Option c. Thrust and torque.
Correct answer is. Thrust and torque.

. Question number. 18. A rotating propeller imparts rearwards motion to a.
Option a. Small mass of air at high velocity.
Option b. Large mass of air at low velocity.
Option c. Small mass of air at low velocity.
Correct answer is. Large mass of air at low velocity.

. Question number. 19. Propeller efficiency is.
Option a. The ratio of output speed to input propeller speed.
Option b. The ratio of the work applied to the geometric pitch to useful work on the c. S. U.
Option c. The ratio of the useful work done by the propeller to work done by the engine on the propeller.
Correct answer is. The ratio of the useful work done by the propeller to work done by the engine on the propeller

. Question number. 20. Geometric pitch is the distance moved.
 Option a. In one revolution.
Option b. In one revolution when slip is maximum.
Option c. In one revolution without slip.

Correct answer is. In one revolution without slip.

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