#Easa part 66 B1,B2 MODULES EXAM MCQs QUESTION BANK : 1.12.11




Question Number. 1. How is a serrated rod ice detector bench tested?.
Option A. Screwdriver torque test.
Option B. By a motor load test.
Option C. Motor test and go/no-go gap measurement.

Question Number. 2. Windshield heating provides.
Option A. thermal expansion for a tighter fit.
Option B. impact resistance enhancement.
Option C. increases strength to resist cabin pressure.

Question Number. 3. At what pressure and temperature is anti ice fluid applied?.
Option A. 7°F at 100 PSI.
Option B. 70°C at 100 PSI.
Option C. 70°F at 10 PSI.

Question Number. 4. The advantage of leading edge fluid de-icing is.
Option A. less of a fire hazard.
Option B. aerodynamic shape is not disturbed.
Option C. more efficient.

Question Number. 5. On large transport aircraft, the windshield wiper system is.
Option A. one system for both sides but with the same power source.
Option B. independent on each side but with the same power source.
Option C. independent on each side with different power sources.

Question Number. 6. Prior to securing a leading edge de-icing boot you must.
Option A. remove all paint.
Option B. paint the surface.
Option C. shave rivet to prevent further abrasion.

Question Number. 7. On a 'hot rod' type of ice detector, it is switched on.
Option A. all the time.
Option B. when selected by the crew.
Option C. when in the air.

Question Number. 8. Ice formation on wings is due to.
Option A. suspended ice crystals melting on contact with the wing and instantly re-freezing.
Option B. ice crystals forming layers on contact with the wing.
Option C. supercooled water changing state on contact with the wing.

Question Number. 9. When a vibrating rod ice detector has de-iced, the warning lamp on the flight deck.
Option A. goes out immediately.
Option B. goes out after one more cycle.
Option C. goes out after a set period of time.

Question Number. 10. De-misting of passenger windows is provided by.
Option A. sealed window.
Option B. an electrical heating element.
Option C. air from the cabin.
g 1.


Question Number. 1. How is a serrated rod ice detector bench tested?.
Option A. Screwdriver torque test.
Option B. By a motor load test.
Option C. Motor test and go/no-go gap measurement.
Correct Answer is. Screwdriver torque test.
Explanation. Retard rotation [of the detector] with slight thumb pressure using a torque screwdriver.' Ref: CAIPs AL/11-6. 

Question Number. 2. Windshield heating provides.
Option A. thermal expansion for a tighter fit.
Option B. impact resistance enhancement.
Option C. increases strength to resist cabin pressure.
Correct Answer is. impact resistance enhancement.
Explanation. Jeppesen A&P Technician Airframe Textbook Page 13-6 (last paragraph). 

Question Number. 3. At what pressure and temperature is anti ice fluid applied?.
Option A. 7°F at 100 PSI.
Option B. 70°C at 100 PSI.
Option C. 70°F at 10 PSI.
Correct Answer is. 70°C at 100 PSI.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/11-3 5.2.2. 

Question Number. 4. The advantage of leading edge fluid de-icing is.
Option A. less of a fire hazard.
Option B. aerodynamic shape is not disturbed.
Option C. more efficient.
Correct Answer is. aerodynamic shape is not disturbed.
Explanation. The advantage of leading edge fluid de-icing is aerodynamic shape is not disturbed. 

Question Number. 5. On large transport aircraft, the windshield wiper system is.
Option A. one system for both sides but with the same power source.
Option B. independent on each side but with the same power source.
Option C. independent on each side with different power sources.
Correct Answer is. independent on each side with different power sources.
Explanation. Aircraft Electrical Systems, Pallett, Page 178. 

Question Number. 6. Prior to securing a leading edge de-icing boot you must.
Option A. remove all paint.
Option B. paint the surface.
Option C. shave rivet to prevent further abrasion.
Correct Answer is. remove all paint.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/11-1 4.2.2. 

Question Number. 7. On a 'hot rod' type of ice detector, it is switched on.
Option A. all the time.
Option B. when selected by the crew.
Option C. when in the air.
Correct Answer is. when selected by the crew.
Explanation. AL/11-6 3.2.1.

Question Number. 8. Ice formation on wings is due to.
Option A. suspended ice crystals melting on contact with the wing and instantly re-freezing.
Option B. ice crystals forming layers on contact with the wing.
Option C. supercooled water changing state on contact with the wing.
Correct Answer is. supercooled water changing state on contact with the wing.
Explanation. AL/11-6 2

Question Number. 9. When a vibrating rod ice detector has de-iced, the warning lamp on the flight deck.

Option A. goes out immediately.
Option B. goes out after one more cycle.
Option C. goes out after a set period of time.
Correct Answer is. goes out after a set period of time.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/11-6 3.4.1. 

Question Number. 10. De-misting of passenger windows is provided by.
Option A. sealed window.
Option B. an electrical heating element.
Option C. air from the cabin.
Correct Answer is. air from the cabin.
Explanation. CAIPs AL/3-24 fig 1.

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